December 02, 2009

keeping on...

The moon egged me on this morning... my legs so weary.
One foot in front of the other. Keep on moving. You can do it.
It didn't help that the air was warmer today.
And there was no breeze.
But we slogged on, my buddy & me... with a little less life in our steps that we are accustomed to.
We contemplated not taking the last loop...but in the end, decided to keep on.
And as we turned the corner... we were greeted by the heady scent of orange blossoms brought to us in a rush of air.
Thank you moon... for pushing me.
And thank you God... for the gift...


Jennifer Juniper said...

Okay, obviously we need to be walking buddies :) You have a way of looking at the bright side!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yay for the Moon and it's magical walking powers. Or is that the gravitational pull?

Shell in your Pocket said...

Good for you!!! I wish I had a buddy like that to walk with!
sandy toe

Pam said...

Good for you! So wish I had a walking partner. It helps on those mornings when the ole giddyup just up and went! : )

Kelli said...

God's creation is invigorating!!! Glad you made it!

Anonymous said...

Good work!

It's hard to keep going sometimes.

Jo said...

Good for you, Dawn! I admit I've been slacking on my running these days as the mornings are growing darker and colder. I sure could use a morning moon to get me going again!