December 02, 2009

dear eric...

I want you to know…

…that this made me laugh out loud.

I want you to know...
that I know my food doesn’t magically appear in the refrigerator.
And I realize it is not elves lending their hands when I fall behind.

And that I was really thankful for the simmering pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove.

I want you to know…
…that I know I am the lucky one.
Because you show me everyday that you are the better half of us.
And that I am thankful for the Dad you are…
and that we share a Savior.

I want you to know…
…that it touches me my heart when you say I am the best wife ever…
but that I know, in reality, you’d like your clothes ironed and put away once in a while.
(but I makes cupcakes… and really, isn’t that more important?)

I want you to know…
…that when you send me a message, it is my pleasure to listen…
because I love you.

Sorry they were out of your favorite kind...


jenn said...

ahh, too sweet! and yes, cupcakes are more important!!

Unknown said...

What a hoot! I love this post!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You guys are so funny. I am sure he knows that cupcakes are much more important than clean/ironed clothes. I also know he is very are you!

Kelli said...

You are truly keeping the main thing the MAIN thing!!!

Anonymous said...

This is exactly how I feel about my hubby. Love this post! :)

Anonymous said...

Very sweet.

It's always nice to let your loved ones know you appreciate them. It's so easy to forgot to tell them.

Michelle DeRusha said...

This is so sweet! You are a lucky woman...and Eric is a lucky man! My husband does the ironing around here...and the sewing. I count myself lucky (and blessed), too!

Bee said...

This is so sweet it made me cry. I could have written it! I guess we're two blessed girls!

Melissa Stover said...

that's so sweet.

Kat said...

Heeeeey! So, I'm behind in BlogWorld and catching up. This post is now "old" and is above the TickerFactory. I have to tell you when I glanced at the ticker and saw 7 Months 2 Weeks that I thought "She's Pregnant! How did I miss that?!" Then I saw "....until Africa" (=