May 08, 2009

the joy in giving

Mother's Day is almost upon us... and one of my favorite things to do is choose the perfect gift (don't worry Mom, you can keep reading...) A gift that speaks directly from my heart to hers... and if there are tears, I know I've done my job! But once in a while, the gift is just something I know she would enjoy... and then I take extra time in choosing just the right card. Either way, when I give a gift, I love to watch the recipient's face... that is the part that fills me up... that is where I find joy. Whether the reaction is laughter, tears or surprise... the joy of giving is, for me, the anticipation of the torn paper and the delight that plays out in discovery of what lies within...

I heard something on the radio that struck my heart... an organization is collecting Mother's Day gifts for a special Pampering and Presents Day for Moms... widowed Moms. The Moms will be pampered, but the presents... the presents will be laid out so the kids can secretly choose their gift. As soon as I heard the idea, my heart began planning. Because I think of these kids... who don't have anyone to take them out shopping. As a Mom, I always tell my own kids that I'd love something they made themselves just as much as (or more!)than anything they could buy... and if they present me with handmade cards or little drawings, my eyes sparkle... and my tears begin. But I'm not sure most kids get that... and I know that some long to be able to go out and buy a gift for their Mom. So this idea was one I loved... I had a few trinkets stashed away... and my dear hubby was kind enough to drop them off for me on his day off.

I keep thinking about this event... and I keep imagining a room full of kids... light in their eyes... selecting a gift that they think is just right for their Mom. And it will be... because it was selected with love.


Anonymous said...

What a great chariety. Widowed moms certainly need a little extra thoughtfulness on mother's day.

Happy Mother's Day to you.

Tiffany said...

That is a wonderful idea. The Lord clearly commissioned us to take care of widows and orphans, and it sounds like this organization is doing just that. Thanks for the idea!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this idea! You have to let me know these things too...I did not hear about it. What a lovely gesture.
Happy Mother's day to you!!
I also cherish all the homemade cards and gifts....I save them all.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this post. It's so nice to remember others.

reliv4life said...

oh, that is just wonderful! bet their moms will be surprised!

Jen said...

Bravo! What a great thing you did- to make another mom have a special day. :)