November 27, 2009

i want you to know...

Today... I needed to bake a few more sweets.
Need? Well... yes! A peppermint swirl cake(with peppermint hot fudge)for dinner at a friend's house and red velvet cupcakes for another friend's birthday tomorrow.
So the extent of my Black Friday shopping included a 9am trip to Publix.
So what was it I wanted you to know?
As I was reaching for the peppermint extract, I saw three rows of almond extract...
... and I did not pick one up! I actually laughed when I saw the boxes all lined up! This time, I knew for certain that I did not need any more almond extract!
But I am nervous... about the new instinct not to buy it.
I only have two bottle left! I'm bound to be out the next time I need it...


dawn said...

You're funny. :0)

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so funny. It is some sort of compulsion for could require (retail) therapy Or Meds!!! (mocha latte)

Kat said...

I've not ever had a peppermint swirl cake, but it sounds Yummy!

Michelle DeRusha said...

That made me laugh, too. Way to restrain yourself! :)

jenn said...

Oh, it all sounds so good! Yummy, yummy!

Kelli said...

Save me a piece of cake!!!