July 12, 2008

inspired by being uninspired

I'm not sure why I have been uninspired to write lately... I have been given this extra week of summer, and now am not starting my new job until Monday- so shouldn't that be inspiration in itself? I guess not. I miss being here... writing... so I decided that if inspiration isn't coming to find me, I had better go find it on my own. It made me think- maybe I'm not looking at the world the way I had been previously... maybe I am not seeing the inspiration that is right in front of me. Setting out on my search, here is what I have found...

Silliness... Eric & I were having some conversation that ended in pure silliness. I don't remember what it was about- that really isn't relevant, because a lot of our conversations are like that... just plain silly. As I walked away, I thought to myself, "Is that okay?" Is it right for two adults(note, I did not say grown-ups!) to just be that silly most of the time? Sometimes I think we act like six-year-olds... and we have fun. So, I suppose my answer is, "Yes, it's okay." It makes me happy to know that we are more than just partners in this life we share... we are friends who bring smiles and laughter to each other every day.

Laughter... there is nothing like laughter to get your heart in gear. Laughter that begins down near your toes and bubbles out is so joyful. I have been told that people hear my laughter and know it is me... from across the room, the next room... eek! I think I should be embarrassed (or at least I was at first) but what is more honest than laughter? Or more joyful. At a movie yesterday, my forever friend & I laughed our hearts out... afterwards I leaned over and whispered, "Were we the only ones laughing that loudly?" Maybe... but that's okay.

A Clean House... when it is clean and sparkly, I feel no guilt at sitting on the couch catching up on my shows, or working on my scrapbooks. I needed motivation to get there, but it is clean. I love our home... I wish I was better at keeping it neat and tidy. I am feeling inspired to keep it up... easier said than done, I know... especially when it is just Eric & I here, and the kids are away at Gramma & Grampa's.

Life... just living life. I need to remind myself, once again, that each day is a gift. The bright moments, and the rainy ones... the laughter and the tears... the inspired days, and the uninspired. All of it. A gift. For me... and you...

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