August 18, 2009

a step forward

In the darkness... we headed out. Quiet. Both of us thinking... praying. His fingers wrapped themselves around mine and his thumb skipped over my fingernails again and again. There was worship music on the radio and in the midst of my conversation with God, I answered the question How great.... how great is my God? Great. Really great. In my quivering heart, I still know the answer to that question... and I am thankful.
We continued moving along down the road... his hand only leaving mine to bump the windshield wipers a bit every now and again... and another song came on the radio. Born Again. I don't think it is necessarily the words of the song that get to me... but what I feel when I hear it. The breath of Jesus all around me... like wind in my face... a caress of grace. And while I was busy picturing myself sitting in the palm of God's hand, in a puddle of my own tears... it came to me that maybe... the splashes around me were simply His grace raining down on me.
I'm okay... home again. And still uncomfortable. But with a smidgen of an answer in my pocket. And maybe some healing coming my way. But most of all... I feel loved. By my family... and my friends. And if you didn't know... that includes you.


Manda said...

:) you're amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

I awoke early this morning and prayed for you. Blogging has allowed us to share both the happy and sad times and to share our fears and to pray for one another. I continue to pray. Hope you get some relief from the pain soon.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I pray all is well and you will recover pain-free!!

Kat said...

You seem so much stronger today. So glad you found His splashes, His grace raining. That's really a beautiful thought.

Still praying...

Bee said...

I've been too self-involved lately (not a good thing!)to read a whole lot. I'm so sorry I missed this, but am glad you have that "smidgen of an answer" and the "healing coming your way." God hears even late prayers, don't you think. So I'm adding mine to the many that are being said for you.

jenn said...

Dear Dawn--I hope you are feeling better! Please know, I am praying for you!


Holley said...

Hey Sweet Dawn!
I'm so excited that you won an (in)courage t-shirt in our giveaway! Can you e-mail me your address and shirt size ( so I can get it to you?
Thanks! (:

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

So glad to read you are better...I have enjoyed reading your blog....

Heathahlee said...

I've been thinking of you!