June 17, 2009

overcoming resistance

I was having a struggle within... about reading The Shack. I didn't want to read it, and then I did want to, and then, once again, I didn't. It sat by my bedside for weeks. My husband was nudging me along, and then my Mom asked me if I had finished it yet. Finished? I hadn't even started. And then one night, to satisfy everyone else, I read the introduction. But it didn't do much for my desire to read it. After a few days, I pushed on and read the first chapter. At that point, at least I was wanting to read the book. But there it sat, night after night... without a even glance. I don't understand my resistance. But it was real. Maybe not justified, but real. After the journey my Mom & I had been on together I felt like I should have been in that book... devouring it. But I wasn't.

But Friday, while I was ignoring my housework, and lounging with my kids... I did pick the book up again, and fell into the story. I finished it Sunday. (Mom & Eric, keep reading... sorry I didn't tell you I finished it.) I think I have needed some time to digest it... to let it sink in and figure out how I feel about it... how it makes me feel.

There are some parts of it that hit me so hard... With love. With understanding. With clarity. And there are other parts that I am having a hard time fitting into my life. I know it is a book of fiction... but I saw a lot of truth as well. And I'm still sorting it out. But I am enjoying the sorting... my heart is alive with it.

I still don't know why I resisted... but I'm so glad God moved my resolve and gave me a little push towards Him. If you've considered reading it, go ahead and set it by your bed for a week or two and see what happens next...


Bee said...

I read it about a month ago. I felt pretty much like you do; I needed time to sort it out. So much of it spoke right to my heart. It was my basic philosophy anyway. But parts of it didn't fit so well. I'm still thinking on it and trying to fit it all together. But I'm so glad I read it.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is one I picked up before and decided NOT to read...I was fearful of my emotions since it concerns a child, the loss of a child. THIS is something I can't fathom!

Shelley said...

I saw this at the bookstore but wasn't sure I could handle the potential death of a child - but maybe i will get the guts to pick it up next time.

Unknown said...

You have peeked my curiosity.

Mary Lou said...

I did attempt to read it got so far
decided it is not for me. Did not even attempt to go to my group discussion on the book. My husband went but he too, after finishing it found it a bit not for him. Perhaps some day I will finish but I really don't know.....

reliv4life said...

I have talked about reading, thought about reading it, but feel very hesitant. My husband got it for Father's Day from my mom and was thrilled...maybe I will see how he reacts to it and then POSSIBLY read it after him? I am thinking anyway...